Stamped/Machined Electronic Components
Stamped/Machined Electronic Components
Issue: A mechanical engineer at NuWay’s customer needed a gold-plated socket to mount in a printed circuit board and hold a sensing device. He could not find the right configuration off the shelf, and he knew that he would need them on tape and reel for automated assembly. He asked NuWay for help.
Solution: NuWay identified a high-quality source for a custom-made socket, for a price lower than a standard model. NuWay also developed a custom SMT carrier tape. Prototypes were manufactured, taped and approved by the end user. NuWay went into production and has shipped over 350,000 pieces to date.
Issue: A manufacturer of automotive controls approached NuWay’s booth at a trade show, showing a handful of metal clips designed for through-hole assembly to a PC board. He needed them packaged in SMT-style carrier tape for pick-and-place assembly.
Solution: This was tricky, because the part had long legs and needed to be held in a precise position for high-speed assembly. NuWay developed a custom carrier tape. Taped samples were submitted and approved on the first round, and NuWay went into production. NuWay also suggested and provided an extra-large diameter reel to reduce cost. In addition, NuWay set up a program to re-use the reels multiple times, further reducing the cost to the customer. Parts are now taped regularly with same-day and next-day service.